To give you a bit of "reason" for the events, my Mother, who is legally blind from Macular Degeneration (a wretched disease) needed her medicines picked up from the pharmacy....I gladly did this, as I am always willing to help my sweet Mommy out when she needs me. Home form work I come, with said meds in hand....I leave my house to walk over to my Ma's (a name of honor in our family) and take our two little dogs with me.....and so it begins......dun, dun, dun!!!! I left said animals (notice they are now animals and no longer referred to as our family pets!!) outside to do their "duty" while I spend a precious 5 minutes with my Ma discussing our Saturday plans.
I leave her house, walking out to the road to retrieve my mail, when what to my outraged eyes appears!!!!!!!! Manchapooka (bread of animal that we have) named Susie (such a sweet name for such a retched dog) COVERED IN SEWAGE that she had gleefully been rolling in while I spent 5 very short minutes with my Mother!!!!
Susie is tan. Now she is striped with black sewage from the neighbors yard. AM I A LUCKY GIRL OR WHAT???!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Yep, that is NOT what I thought either! Oh, and of course, the neighbors were out and actually had the audacity to FEEL SORRY FOR POOR SUSIE!!!!!!!!!! WHAT????????? They were alone in their thought pattern for sure!!!!!
Well, I brought the dog in, used 5 times the recommended dog shampoo to simply clean her (I scrubbed her with a hair brush while bathing her...good enough for her, I say!) and THEN THE DOG, WHILE YET GRUBBY, SHAKES IN THE TUB! Have I mentioned I have a white tub with white ceramic tile surround? Yep. Sigh.
All is clean now, but I just thought that I would share the pictures (you knew I would take pics, right!) of the dog and the carnage in the tub.