We were without internet for a few days, so not posting...but I did write a post, on a special day that Iwill now share with you.
Anniversary, a day that brings floods of memories, joyous of course, back to our minds. My Husband’s and my anniversary is today, July 14th. The anniversary of the day that I (and he) vowed to Love, Honor and Cherish until death only will part us. We have stayed true to those vows we made before our Lord and Savior, and intend to continue until death does part us…….BUT, the cool thing is, that even though there may be a temporary parting (assuming we do not pass into eternity together) we can see each other even after death!
Having both entered into a love relationship with Jesus, surrendering our lives to HIS will, we are assured an eternity in heaven, not as husband and wife, but as beloved children of God. You too, can have that, if you surrender to God’s call on your life. Admitting your need of salvation from this life that is here, admitting you’re a sinner, confessing your need of God and surrendering to Him. A gift. Free for the taking. A gift, the greatest of all…..another anniversary to celebrate, the date of your second birth….and adoption into the family of God.
Over the years that my husband and I have been married, so many things have happened in our lives, beyond my salvation experience. I was told by five different Dr.’s that I would never have children birthed from my body. God saw fit to allow us to give birth to 2 of my 3 pregnancies….and He also brought another child into our family (not by birth) after that!!!
We have had sorrowful times also, the death of my Father when I was 29 yrs of age….the leaving of children from our home, to live in far off places, like the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and the far south of New Orleans LA. Although, the leaving of our children (we do have one child still in the area, yea!), be it painful, also is a marvelous event, in that we have taken part in the raising of some pretty incredible children, who serve the Lord in said far off lands, and love us as parents. They are amazing, the three of them and their spouses, and they do a wonderful job of keeping us a part of their busy lives, we are blessed.
I love my husband. I like my husband. I laugh at his crazy antics. I stand in awe of his accomplishments and talents. I cannot imagine my life any differently. He is an amazing, Godly man that insists we pray together each night before we go to sleep, no matter how tired we are. He shows me, all the time that he loves me, unwaveringly. He is the perfect man for me. I am blessed and love that we have shared these years together. I pray for many more, but always know that whatever time we have left together here on earth, God has been so very, very good to me. Very Good to me.