But I DO know when I'll be back again...Oct. 3rd.
I am off to the crazy, fun, exciting, scary, wonderful city of New Orleans! I am taking about 10 days to go down there, snuggle and smooch some very important people, go to museums, the zoo, football games, dance classes and all sorts of other amazing things.
I am excited, and yet apprehensive for this time. Excited over all of the above, yet sad that my sweet husband will not be able to go with. His work keeps him the 975 miles from being with me. (insert sad pout here)
I will try to upload pictures and update you all on my travels (praying that I will not get a pat down this time going thru security at the airport as I did in January)......so, praying for a safe and wonderful time, and will hopefully share it all with you very soon!