Thursday, May 31, 2012

Potting Bench Makeover

I have a potting bench (or two...ummm, just confessing!)
This one my two youngest children
bought for me for Mother's day about a dozen
years ago. I Love It!!!
But, after all those years of being out in the
changing seasons non-stop,
it has become, well, kind of sorry looking.
I still Love it!!!
But, I think it is time for a bit of color!
I know, you are shocked!
Orrrrrrrrr, maybe not.
Well, either way, I did put a bit of color on it.

Ahhhhhhh, now this is better!
It is still a bit warped in spots,
that is my fault for waiting so long to re-vamp it.
But, ohhhhh how lovely it is now....
makes me do a happy dance!!!
 I did not take a picture of my happy dance....
sorry to disappoint. Heeheeheee!
You really did not want to see me do that dance,
it may have scared you off!

 I love the color, especially with the clay pot
and the green of the plants....
I am on to my next make over....
I love taking something old, making it new
and fun again!!!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Favorite Quote

I do not know where this came from (facebook most likely),
but on any given day
it will cause me to belly laugh!!!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Up-dated Blog Header

After looking at a blurry blog header for ummmm,
about 6 months now, go ahead, judge me as a procrastinator,
I have finally created a new header, cleaner, all photos that I have
taken (well, the old header was all of my photos too)
And I think I like it!
Let me know what you think!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Getting It Done

Today is Saturday....and that of a long weekend!
I wanted to take advantage of the time.
I have accomplished a few things,
Cleaning the cabinet below the was pure ick!
Cleaning the fridge, long over due!
Made a sugar free, organic key lime pie...yummy!
Got my slab of ribs dry rubbed and ready to be
cooked, grilled & slathered with home made
BBQ sauce tomorrow...can't wait!
Cleaned the laundry, oh, man,
what a mess!
Swept and mopped the hardwood floors in the
living room, kitchen, dining room & hall, whew!
Cleaned out my closet...boy did it need it!!!
Watered the plants, we need rain DESPERATELY!!!
Got the top and legs done for an outdoor table to be used next to the gas grill,
never enough space when grilling!
Cleaned off my husbands work bench in the basement,
men are messy!! But boy is he cute!
Booked another photo shoot....sweet!!!
I think I need chocolate....sugar free of course,
I DO need chocolate! Brain food! That's what I call it.
A bath? Bubble bath, jacuzzi on, hot enough to
make my skin bright red...ohhhh, sounds amazing!
Still with me? OK, thinking through my fingers I guess.
What do you do after a busy day of catching up?
I will be taking that jacuzzi bath, eating chocolate
and watching HGTV for the evening,
right after I accomplish more....
but what?
Well, at least I still have 2 more days to accomplish
whatever it is that I think of....hmmmmm!?!?!?!
Crafting? Sewing? re-purpose something?
Yeah, that's it!!!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Do You Ever??????????

Do you ever try to over achieve?
Do you ever try to do to much?
Do you ever just want to sit and do nothing?
I do, I do, I do.
I am naturally an over achiever.
I often try to do to much.
I  want to sit and do nothing, but,
my other two "faults" often prevent me from doing the third.
For example:
On a simple Thursday afternoon I:
Finished work (I am on staff at a church as an office manager)
Bought groceries
Cooked dinner
Took my Mom into town (we live 9 miles out of town)
Served dinner
Made homemade BBQ sauce to use and to freeze
Made soft butter for the fridge
Cleaned the floors
Did laundry
Cleaned the kitchen
and a multitude of other small tasks
All before 5pm.
I work until 2.
And now I sit and feel guilty that I did not do more!
Am I nuts?????
Am I normal????
I think I need a vacation!!!
But would I just sit and relax?
Probably not. Possibly. Hmmmmm, can I get back to you on that????

Oh, I forgot, I did not show you the outcome of our
Mother's Day Design!
Here you go!!!
 I truly love the colors of the table!

 She is 5 now, so it was very important to her to use her knife & fork properly!
 How sweet of him to make sure that his drink matched the table decor!!!!
And of course, an after dinner story from an amazing Great Auntie!!

Thursday, May 24, 2012


First random information:
Making real butter soft for everyday use!
Yes, that is random, but something that I want to try since
we prefer the real thing and never use margarine in our house.
Right now, I buy it (you know, 3 ingredients, butter, salt & canola or olive oil)
But I am sure that I can save money by doing it myself.
Soooooo, here is the recipe:
2 sticks of room temp butter
1/4 C oil (olive or canola)
1/4 C filtered water
Whip the butter till light and fluffy
Add in oil in stream till incorporated
Do the same with the water.
Store in air tight container in the fridge.
Now how easy is that!!!!!

While in the UP of MI, I finally met our daughter's friend Sara.
I have been told alot about her, but this was my first time
having the opportunity to really get to know her.
What a lovely lady. Mother of 4, and an amazing baker!
Here is a display of her cupcakes which she made for "T"'s
graduation party.....just spectacular!

I have a to do list that is a mile and a half long!
Why, oh why do we do that to ourselves?
I hope that I will accomplish at least a few of these things during the long weekend....but sitting about, being lazy on a Monday home with my husband sounds so much better than being busy with to do lists!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I Am Back....

And trying desperately to come up with energy!!!!
Mine is used up....gone....kaput....outahere!
But I think I can come up with 5 minutes of umph...
so, I am linking you to an article on Apartment Therapy
"How to keep your bathroom clean in 5 minutes a day"
I can do that!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Driving Miss Paula

Today I am in route to the great northern region
also known as the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
Bitter Sweet
Our oldest child, who came to our family as a 17 year old
while our youngest were 2 & 7, has 3 children of her own
[with her husband of course!]
and the oldest of theirs is graduating high school!!!
How did THAT happen?????
We are excited for his future [college in Milwaukee WI]
but sad for ourselves, that he has grown so quickly!
"T" is a great young man.
He is kind, loves well, is sincere and handsome to boot!
I am planning on laughing ALOT, hugging ALOT
and soaking up as much of him as I can in a few short days.
I was privileged to take his Senior pictures and love that he
thinks that people older than he - are still pretty cool!
We love you "T"
pray for God's best for you
and plan on visiting for football games!!!
Love you T.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

DIY Dixie Cup Garland

Here is an amazing garland light idea!!!!!
Made with a plane ole' strand of white twinkle lights
and a few Dixie cups, you can make custom
strings of lights for your next party!
Memorial Day, Graduations, Weddings, July 4th......
the occasions are endless!!!
Again, the idea comes from "Hey Gorgeous" blog
and I find it to be superb!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

DIY Body Scrub!

Link Day!
Sharing a DIY Body Scrub, that can be used on those over-worked garden hands or packaged pretty and given as a gift!
Courtesy of "Hey Gorgeous" blog
I think it looks amazing!
Free printable labels available with it too!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day Challenge

I Teach a Sunday School class at our church.
I wrote a challenge for all the Grandmothers, Aunts & Mom's who were in that class yesterday....
and I am posting it here for you to read if you wish.

Mother’s Day Challenge
Ladies, when God created man, He did not want him to be lonely, nor did he create man to pro-create on his own! We as women were created FOR our husbands. To love and honor them in our marriages and to pro-create with him…and we all have had the most beautiful children ever!!! But with those amazing creations come a responsibility…..modeling a godly marriage and relationships for our daughters.
That is not something we should do without great reverence for our Lord and Savior. And thankfully, God has given us many scriptures to help us out on this road that we are to walk and also do it on a stage before our daughters, to enable them to walk this road in their future that will give God all glory and honor for His accomplishments in not only our lives, but our daughters. God did bless us with the ability to have children, but that is not the main reason for our existence. We can be a good mother and fail God…. be the best mother who ever lived and still fail God…when we do not prioritize as God desires for us to.  We, of course, do not want this to happen!
So, let’s look to scripture to help us…..starting with the proverbs 31 woman,
10 An excellent wife, who can find?  For her worth is far above jewels.
11 The heart of her husband trusts in her, And he will have no lack of gain.
12 She does him good and not evil All the days of her life.
26 She opens her mouth in wisdom, And the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.
27 She looks well to the ways of her household, And does not eat the bread of idleness.
28 Her children rise up and bless her; Her husband also, and he praises her, saying:
29 “Many daughters have done nobly, But you excel them all.”
30 Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.
Ouchie! I know when I read this, it sometimes makes me cringe. I know how short I have fallen from this instruction, to many times for me to feel comfortable acknowledging.
Ephesian’s 5 instruction says…1-2 Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; 2 and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.
15 Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, 16  making the most of your time, because the days are evil. 17 So then do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.
22 Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body. 24 But as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything.
God knows our circumstances. God KNOWS our circumstances! Whether stress filled or complete joy, hard or easy, loving or annoying…..HE knows! One thing that I have found through my 30 plus years of marriage is: God does not change because it is 2012 as opposed to 150bc! His word and commands are the same today as yesterday; His wants for our lives are the same as they were when scripture was penned as it is today. We are to model a life of Christ, with the same restrictions, grace and mercy as those biblical examples given to us that show us how to do it!!!
Submission is not a forced slavery where a wife must make herself conform. It is not a loss of individuality or personality. True biblical subjection is a woman’s creative and challenging pleasure of discovering how she can show her husband that she respects him, and admires him. Her new prayer should be, “Lord, give me a simple and unselfish desire to be led by my husband as I am led by You, and thereby bring glory to Your name!......(quote by Richard L. Strauss)
*Something that never goes out of style is: “a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price! Meek means gentle, considerate, willing to surrender one’s right. “Quiet” means peaceful, restful and un-disturbed. We often instead model moodiness, irritability, nagging, grumbling, and complaining.
When a marriage is going well, nothing is sweeter! And I’ve seen that when a marriage is miserable, there is hardly anything more miserable. God’s plan is for us to experience nothing but perfect, deeply satisfying relationships of harmony with HIM, our husbands, our family, also in our church life and in our friendships…but, that was life on the other side of Eden! That plan was un-done by human sin, self-will and selfishness.
 A cheerful atmosphere in the home depends largely on us as the wife. If we accept our responsibility to create a joyful atmosphere and yield ourselves to the indwelling Spirit of God, HE will produce in us His fruit of joy; life will become an exciting challenge rather than an exasperating chore!
As much as it depends on us, we CAN live at peace with others. Of course, our husband and children won’t always choose to live in peace and joy with us….their choices are out of our control. And when we are hurt by them, the natural reaction is disappointment and frustration.
OUR choice is: we can stand and react to others out of our disappointment & demand our way OR we can seek God’s comfort, love unconditionally, and embrace hope. And remember, our daughters are watching our choices, listening to our words and seeing how a bitter spirit is a poison and will bring more pain than the original hurt or demand…OR they see and hear our words of encouragement, love and passion for the Lord’s desire for our lives. Will we always be on the right page at the right time? NO WAY…..but that is when we have the opportunity to seek forgiveness, show forgiveness and train through our failures and not just our victories.
Life and marriage is not and has not been compete and total bliss. There have been times when I am quite sure that my daughters have seen my failures…but I also know that they have seen (hopefully more often!) my successes, joys, submission, love, love and love. Love for their Dad, love for them, and most of all Love for our Heavenly Father. When I am successful in the later, the other areas are second nature, easy, wonderful and without condition. You see, God’s love and acceptance is without condition. HE loves unconditionally, and I am, as filthy rags, so not deserving of this. I disappoint HIM every day, many times a day, over and over again. Yet God loves me. Jesus died for me. The Holy Spirit lives in me. I am loved, without deserving it. I am accepted without deserving it. I am looked upon as someone very special, without deserving it. Who am I? A child of God, His princess, the one who took His breath away. I am His.
My marriage,  my family,  deserve that kind of love and acceptance from me. As I quoted from scripture before: Eph. 5:1-2 Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; 2 and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.
Being a submissive wife, modeling for our daughters, ­­­is not a chore. It is not a demand. It is not a “less than human, subservient, belittling life”.
What it IS, is a reflection of Christ in me.
 A light in me.  A sweet fragrance.  One that I want to share with those I love….those who see me, day to day, living life­­­. It is what I want my daughters to learn, what I want our son to expect and what I want my husband to be able to brag about to his co-workers and friends. (ok, I AM human after all!!!)
How bright are you shining day to day?
How sweet do you smell day to day?
What or Who are you reflecting today?

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Random Thoughts & Pictures

You know you have been to New Orleans when for your dinner,
you serve THIS!
Alligator Sausage!!!!

I spent a bit of time in my back yard, painting yesterday.
I have to confess, I have long been wanting bright orange candle holders...
and now is the time!!!
Nothing better than having a girly holiday to push me towards
a longing being fulfilled!
They are going to look great on my Mother's Day Table!!!

As we all know, this past winter was not a rough one.....
And my plants that were annuals, made it through
without a blemish! Freakin Sweet!!!!!
These are in a big blue planter along my patio!
Full bloom, beautiful, and free!!!! Woot!

I am painting my newest cake plates this afternoon
I will post pictures of those, and the table runner....
I am excited about this special tablescape for our Mother's!
I love being creative!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I Was Given Somthing Small....

And of course, I chose to RUN with it!!!
Ahhhhh, creativity, how satisfying!

My jumping off point>>>
My Mom brought this package over, and I fell in love!
Ohhhhh what to do for my table for Mother's Day Dinner????
Next came this>>>
 Gotta Paint Something!!!!

Ohhhhh, And a table runner would be amazing!!!!! 

Flowers??? I think so!!!

Oh I do believe I have found what needs to be painted....
Candle sticks of course!!!!

But there has to be something else!!!!
In the words of Winnie Pooh...
"Think, Think, Think"
I got it!!!!
I believe a couple of cake stands are in order!

Now, I need to be home to make all these things,

Stay tuned for the outcome!!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Mother's Day Is Coming....

We will be having a Mother's Day Celebration!
We do it each year, the night before Mother's Day,
Honoring the special Moms, Aunts, and Grandmas
That have blessed our lives!
I cook, and smile, and create a true Italian Feast!
I have a great menu this year and cannot wait!

But, the night before, my youngest Daughter and I
get together at our church with the 5/6 grade girls Sunday School
class that we teach, and bake for their Mothers!
We decorate our Sunday School room, make things special
and on Sunday Morning, the girls serve their Mother's
a very special breakfast in our class.
The girls love it, the Moms love it....we love it!

BUT, one of the most special things that will be happening this year
is that our Daughter In Law will be here with the 3 children!!!
I wish beyond wishing that ALL our children could be here
But that is just not going to happen this year...
But as a Mother, I am grateful just to be that....a Mother!
Life is full, I am loved, and that is not dependant on where my children are.

So, to end this post, I will sharing a picture of my Daughter In Law
and the birthday girl.....just too cute!
Also, the history of Mother's Day, in case you ever wondered!

History of Mother's Day: Anna JarvisAnna Jarvis is recognised as the Founder of Mothers Day in US. Though Anna Jarvis never married and never had kids, she is also known as the Mother of Mothers Day, an apt title for the lady who worked hard to bestow honor on all mothers.

Anna Jarvis got the inspiration of celebrating Mothers Day from her own mother Mrs Anna Marie Reeves Jarvis in her childhood. An activist and social worker, Mrs Jarvis used to express her desire that someday someone must honor all mothers, living and dead, and pay tribute to the contributions made by them.

A loving daughter, Anna never forgot her mothers word and when her mother died in 1905, she resolved to fulfill her mothers desire of having a mothers day. Growing negligent attitude of adult Americans towards their mothers and a desire to honor her mothers soared her ambitions.

To begin with Anna, send Carnations in the church service in Grafton, West Virginia to honor her mother. Carnations were her mothers favorite flower and Anna felt that they symbolised a mothers pure love. Later Anna along with her supporters wrote letters to people in positions of power lobbying for the official declaration of Mothers Day holiday. The hard work paid off. By 1911, Mother's Day was celebrated in almost every state in the Union and on May 8, 1914 President Woodrow Wilson signed a Joint Resolution designating the second Sunday in May as Mother's Day. 

         It is unfortunate to note that Ms Anna Jarvis, who devoted her life for the declaration of Mothers Day holiday was deeply hurt to note the huge commercialisation of the day.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Something I Had Not Thought Of Before

This is a help day!
A day when either I or Another Blogger
will give you very useful ideas on all kinds of things!
Today, it is from Apartment Therapy
and is about information you should keep in your phone!
Some really great information!
Thank you Apartment Therapy!!!

Friday, May 4, 2012

The View From Here

A very small view
A very beautiful view
From the sidewalk in front of a dance studio
On Canal Street
New Orleans, LA

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

We Are Home!

Life is crazy!
I have such full days this week.
We had a great time in New Orleans!
I took TONS of pictures.
I mean I took TONS of pictures.
I ate catfish every chance I had.
Can you say YUMMO!
Did I tell you that I took a TON of pictures?
I will post them in the next few days
I KNOW that you are as excited as I am to feast your eyes on
the beauty that we saw there.
Alright, most of the pictures are family,
but what a beautiful family it is!

Have an amazing day and live life with they attitude of:
you cannot wait to share your faith with all around you!