I was told by my daughter that I must be too busy lately, as it has been 4 days since I last updated my facebook!
Well, if getting hugs, changing diapers, wiping noses, playing in the yard, taking short walks to my Mother's house with a little one, laughing, wrestling, tickling and the occational load of laundry and cooking are a reason, then yes! I am busy lately!!! What joy to be that busy!!!
I still need to keep my focus on Whom is the Keeper of all of this, but I believe with all my heart, that this week of "busy" was given as a huge gift by my Keeper and it is with great joy that I accept this gift. We never know what will come tomorrow or even in the next hour. But I know my Maker, and if all of this is over before I want, He is still my Lord and Savior, righteous and loving.
Thank you Lord for this gift of busy, even if for a shorter time than I would like...I still count Your blessing as pure joy. Thank You, Thank You, and may I please You.
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