This is one example....a cute chalk board for my dining room!!!
First, you need to find and old framed picture that is inexpensive (mine was $4) AND a shape that you love....the shape or type of frame is the most important....if you don't love it when it is an awful color, then you won't love it even when it is the perfect color!!
My Mother, Aunt and Daughter were all with me when I purchased said picture (which was hideous by the way, but I loved the shape of the frame, just sayin!) and the comments from all 3 were less than favorable....also known as "think she has finally lost it!"
Well, after a light sanding, two coats of white paint and one coat of a light stain, to give it an aged look, the frame was as I wanted it! Then, I cleaned the glass, and sprayed it with 3 coats of black chalkboard paint...let it dry and voila! LOVE IT!!
This is an easy and very inexpensive gift to make for Christmas. Frames can be found in second hand stores, antique malls, consignment shops, etc.....remember, it is NOT the picture you are buying, it is the frame!
Have a wonderful weekend!!!!
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