My life is over full. Alot by MY own choices, but much by HIS choices. A phone call from a frustrated wife who wants to just walk out of her marriage, an unexpected call, and I am to be the advice giver...that is from God, not from me. But on the other hand, the need to put my home back into some semblance of organization is all on my shoulders, as I let the piles grow during the holidays, and now they stare me in the face...almost grinning and I swear (you know, the good kind of swearing, not the awful words kind of swearing :)] I can almost hear those piles of papers laughing at me when I walk into the room!!!!
I guess, that every new year, we all must on some level, feel the need to "get organized" as is evident in every store that you walk into during the month of Jan. with all the bins, tubs, drawer units, etc. that are filling their isles, all shiny bright colored and suggestive of the major "life change" that you can have if you will only purchase these products right now!!!

Well, as I have been reading through a psalm or two this week, the above one stood out to me. LEAD me Lord, in YOUR righteousness. Hmmmmm, nothing about ME taking the lead. Nothing about how I can make my life less full, crazy, overwhelming. Just God, taking the lead. So simple, yet so difficult for our human egos, minds, attitudes or what ever it is, to grab hold of.
I believe that if God (and I do) has put all this in my life, HE will lead me in the paths of ability, workmanship and righteousness. He will be the strength to endure. He will be the joy and laughter in the midst of an overwhelmingly full day. He will be the endurance to run the race. He will be my All in All.
So, even though I am still going to have to tackle that pile of laughing at me papers, even though I am still going to have to do laundry, teach Sunday School, work, cook, clean, help with Awana, WILL be the Lord who directs and leads me to HIS righteousness. And THAT makes me breath a huge sigh of relief.
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