Friday, March 11, 2011

Understanding, or The Inability Too.

I know that I have posted "fluffy, feel good" things this past week or two, and it is a good thing to this. Make life joyful. Bring a smile. Love Life!
But in light of what has happened around the world today, I feel I would be off base a bit, if you will, by posting something light hearted today. (well, maybe it would be a welcomed moment of reprieve)

8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the LORD.
9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8-9

I do not know why God has allowed this tragedy to happen to the people of Japan, and I will not pretend too. All I do know is, that He is greater than all this, and He WILL use it for HIS great glory and the good of men.
Now, that sounds rather odd, that it could in anyway be for the good of men, and my finite mind cannot see or think at this moment of a way that such a huge tragedy can be of any good at all. BUT, this one thing I do know....God loved, loves, always has loved all those who perished today. I do not believe God was trying to "rid the country of Japan of people" God so loves this world and all it's people so much that He gave His Son up to death on the cross that ALL would come to a salvation relationship with Him. He loves His people. period. Does He love all that I do and think? Nope. I sin. You sin. We all sin. God hates sin, but loves people.

Why does tragedy happen? I really don't have the definitive answer for that. I can speculate. Without tragedy, we would probably loose our compassion for others. Without tragedy, we would probably loose site of God. If all was a "walk in the park" all the time, we would rely more fully on ourselves and less on the God of all creation. And yet, I still reel at such extreme happenings as the events of today.

So, what can I do about this situation? I can write about it on my little blog. I can talk about it to my friends and colleagues.
But my best thought is, reach out to the hurting. Pray for them. Love. Pray.

Have a blessed day, and remember to pray for the now homeless, the now morning, the now hurt, the people that God loves so very much.

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