Thursday, August 29, 2013


I know that I have a special place in my heart for New Orleans since our Son and his family lived there for a bit over 5 years, but I cannot go through this day without remembering that 8 years ago the most tragic thing happened.
Hurricane Katrina
Over 1800 lives were lost in the devastation.
Lives forever changed still morn the loss of loved ones.
Let's lift up those who grieve asking for comfort for them on this day that brings back many, many sorrowful memories.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Helpful Hint & Update

I went to the hospital again yesterday to see how things were going for my niece. She was in a very dimly lit room that was quiet and peaceful. As I walked in, I noticed her eyes open and blinking. I leaned down and spoke her name in her ear and said "it's Aunt Paula" her eyes turned directly to me! I cried. The nurse said that was the first time she had done that, could I make her do it again? Yep, she did it again! It was just for a split second but it happened! Progress!
She was then taken to the ICU step down unit and later taken for an MRI. There is infection somewhere in her system as she is running a 99.8 temp. This is worry-some, but antibiotics are on board and we are praying for the best.
Linda is still non-responsive to pain and apart from the two quick eye responses, is non-responsive to all other stimulants. We are starting week 3 of this scary endeavor, but are praying for God's intercession in it all.

And on a lighter side.....I found this in an e-mail and thought of my youngest, as she has no counter space in her bathroom....but then thought I would share it with all of you too!

Super Idea!!

My thanks to DIY Crafts . com for this useful and pretty idea!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

My Morning & Updates

This is how my morning has gone so far:

1. I was awakened by one of our dogs getting hooked by his collar on our bedroom carpet and the ensuing sound of unraveling carpet. Jumping out of bed I unhooked the collar but had to leave the 2 foot piece of carpet thread there because....

2. Dog number 2 got diarrhea in another bedroom. I suppose I should mention that the only part of our home that we have carpeting is in the bedrooms. Sigh.

3. Had to take my Mom to the hospital for a breast biopsy for possible cancer. She was ranked 4 out of 5 so there is a likely hood that cancer is there, but we are determined to get a beguine result, we will know Friday.

4. At this point (sitting in the waiting room) I decide to go get a piece of toast because my stomach is a mess. Bagels look good, so I toast one, sit down and eat half of it. Full tummy!

5. Dr. comes out, says Mom is done and that I am under Dr.'s orders to take her to "Eggs In Paradise", one of our local restaurants, known for their good coffee and generous breakfast plates. Did I mention that I was full and nauseous? Oh, Ok, I did.

6. Off to Eggs for my Mom, who is numb at this point, for breakfast. She made me eat (that's what Mother's do, even when you are way over 40 and FULL!) So I forced down the egg whites and a piece of bacon. I am miserable. As was my Mom at this point due to the "thawing" process.

7. Mom is home and resting comfortably.

8. I want a nap too!! But no, off to work. Did I tell you how full I am, ya, thought so. Ugh!


Baby Cedar is under home care and going back and forth to St. Judes twice weekly for Chemo and Check-ups. Her legs have not begun to work yet, but hope is not gone. She is such a beautiful baby! Her good spirits, two big brothers and strong, God loving parents are taking phenomenal care of her! Please continue to pray for this wonderful family.

Today is another win - Cedar was unhooked from everything - she is free!!!, at least within the confines of her room.  She will still be monitored at night but during the day we were given permission to take her off all IVs and monitors.   This will make feeding and diaper changes much easier as well as make it easier for Cedar to play. Last night we attempted to move her to the couch for more "normal" family time, however it turned to be struggle with the chords.   Today the doctors ordered her free without our asking.   An answer to prayer! 

She is on day 4 of being her typical happy self.  Chemo hasn't altered her mood at all and so far she hasn't had any adverse side effects.  She has been cheerful and happy.  Yesterday Candace and I started to learn about line care and how to dress and flush her lines.   

The doctors also started mentioning "HOME" which is a very sweet sound.   Right now I believe we are looking at a Saturday target date to go home.  That should give us 12 days at home before we have to come back for Round 2.

We've seen both neurosurgeon and physical therapist regarding her paralysis but right now there isn't much to be done.   We are still praying that God would choose to heal her of this and that she would start kicking her legs.  Our prayer is that God would heal her of this in his timing so that He get's the glory.
Psalms 109:26-27 says  Help me, O Lord my God Save me according to your steadfast love! Let them know that this is your hand; you, O Lord have done it!

This is our prayer for Cedar regarding the paralysis. 

We so appreciate all the support, prayers and commends.  We have been very busy and haven't had an opportunity to respond to all of the private messages or post on her.  We do find great encouragement from you guys and know it is not being ignored.  Thank you again!

My Niece, Linda, is still in ICU. Still unconscious and non-active. They were able to put in her Tracheotomy tube (still breathing for her, but over her breaths, so that is good news) and a stomach feeding tube. Her face does not have a scratch on it, so without the respirator in her mouth, she looks so peaceful. A lovely 37 year old who now has no hair due to it being shaved completely off for the brain surgeries.
She will celebrate her 38th birthday this coming Monday.....I pray that she will be awake to hear us sing Happy Birthday to her. Please pray with me that this will be the case.

I hope that this day gets better, but even if it keeps up like it has, I know that by tomorrow I will be able to laugh about the craziness of this day!

motivational love life quotes sayings poems poetry pic picture photo image friendship famous quotations proverbs

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Roasted Peppers

On Saturday I roasted up all my peppers for the freezer.
It is super easy to do and I can use them all winter for things like quesadillas, chilies rellenos, Italian sausage and peppers, etc.  the uses are endless.

This is how I did it.

First, clean off your peppers and place on a baking sheet (mine is REALLY well used).

 Cut off excess stems or they will burn and smell awful!

Next, pour oil over the peppers (no need to drown them) and rub the oil on all areas of the peppers with your hands.

I used canola oil but coconut oil would work well too.
Place in a 450* oven for about 20 minutes (times will very according to the number of peppers you have) until black/brown and blistered.

Place the roasted peppers into a bowl (heat proof) and cover with plastic wrap. Allow to cool in the bowl and the skins will release from the peppers. (I had to take the poblanos out of the oven about 10 minutes earlier than the green peppers as the flesh is much thinner on a poblano than the green)

Next, clean the peppers by pulling off the skins and cleaning out the seeds and stems.
(Sorry for the picture quality, the sun was glaring off of the plastic wrap I was working on and washed out the picture)

Lay flat in a freezer bag that you have labeled with contents and date. The bags take up very little room once frozen flat since they can be stacked or slid in to a very small area.

Once frozen, simply slice off what you need and return the rest to the freezer!

Monday, August 19, 2013


Each year since our children have been small, I have placed a basket on our counter this time of the year.
This basket is filled with all the amazing veggies of the season that our garden or others have given to us. God's blessings.
This year is no different, even though things are still terribly crazy in our home. God still blesses us.
In-spite of my weaknesses, we are still blessed.
I dusted off my camera and snapped a few pictures of our blessing basket.

 The colors are amazing!

Inside are red potatoes, zucchini, yellow summer squash, green peppers, poblano peppers and red and yellow tomatoes.

I have plans for the peppers today. The rest will be eaten during the week.....between trips to the hospital and Dr's appointments.

I am blessed.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

My Niece & Stuff....

My Niece is again having a surgery today, this time on her left leg. The "thigh" bone is fractured in 3-4 places and needs to be stabilized.
Her ICP (inter-cranial pressure) has been at about a 12 with spikes up to 17....with a brain injury the Dr's do not want it to rise above 10. We are praying fervently for a reduction in her number - however today will probably not be the day for that as they will have her lying flat for the surgery which could last up to 3 hours.

Yesterday was my Mother-In-Law's birthday! I was in Rockford with my niece after getting my Mom to the Dr. for a I did not make it over to my MIL's house for the big day....I intend to rectify that with a special dessert for her that will make her feel spoiled! She deserves to be spoiled!


Yesterday I was not feeling strong. I was feeling overwhelmed. I do not often go "there", but yesterday I did. You know....missing my husband because he has to work through all of this, housework needing to be done (hubby cleaned toilets! he's a keeper!!) but I am not there to do it, taking my Mom back and forth to her Dr., working, driving, no down time, life is overwhelming.
But my sweet daughter "A" gave me this quote and I am feeling so much better now:

I made up this chalkboard picture, if you would like to you have my permission to make a copy of this and print it out as you would like!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Helpful Link & Update

First, an update on my niece: She had a 3 hour surgery on her right "thigh" bone yesterday. The Dr.'s worked very hard to fix this portion of her body and feel that they did get done what they wanted, but hoped for a less invasive way of doing it, yet that was not to be. However we are grateful for the relentless work that the Dr.'s are doing for her! She is not (and has not been) conscious yet but we hope for and pray for the very best.

As for little Cedar (if you did not see this, please feel free to read about her) She has finished her first round of chemo and handled it like a champ! She is stage 3 and it is believed that there is a 90% remission/cure rate!

And to end on a happy little note, I got an e-mail from HGTV this morning (cannot tell you how many e-mails I have had to go through due to my computer absence this past 5 days!! UGH!!) and thought that I would share this helpful organizational hint with you!

Have an amazing Tuesday!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Checking IN

Just popping in so that you don't think I have stopped blogging.
That is not the case.
I simply have had an overwhelming week.
Sick husband
Health scare for my Mom....not over yet
Major auto accident for my Niece in which she has sustained brain injuries (swelling, bleeding etc.) multiple leg and hip fractures (at least 12) fractured ribs etc.  However, no internal organs were involved other than her lungs being VERY badly bruised. The respirator is currently breathing for her and they are draining off the fluids from her brain. She is staying level and not falling backwards which we are grateful for.
My niece is 37 years old. If you think of it, please pray for her.
She has this beautiful naturally curly red hair which is now in a bag in her room as they had to shave her head bald....she will be REALLY mad when she comes around....pray for the nursing staff! (there can always be a smile in the midst of the storm!)
God is very good. God is amazing!
My week is just as overwhelming this week as last, with surgeries (hopefully) for my sweet niece, Dr. appointments for my Mom and my husband trying to go back to work after his illness.
I am thankful that God is my strength and I am not. He will be and I will obey.
Life is never boring in my home....but I sure could use a bit of boredom right now!

I will update as possible!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Asking For Prayer

For this precious family.

This Daddy and Mommy (of 2 boys and their baby girl) are in the throws of the most difficult time in their lives.
Their 6 month old baby Girl, Cedar, was found to have a very aggressive cancer,  Neuroblastoma, which has wrapped it's self around her lower spine leaving her legs paralyzed (hopefully only temporary once all the tumor is removed).
She is such a beautiful little girl.
My heart aches for them every moment of the day.
I cannot imagine the sadness and fear that this couple is going through, and yet they see hope in their Lord and Savior. They draw their strength from the One True Living God. They know He is near, and seek Him for their every breath during a time that would leave one breathless.

So please remember them in your prayers. Lift up sweet Cedar to the Great Physician.

Thank You.