This is how my morning has gone so far:
1. I was awakened by one of our dogs getting hooked by his collar on our bedroom carpet and the ensuing sound of unraveling carpet. Jumping out of bed I unhooked the collar but had to leave the 2 foot piece of carpet thread there because....
2. Dog number 2 got diarrhea in another bedroom. I suppose I should mention that the only part of our home that we have carpeting is in the bedrooms. Sigh.
3. Had to take my Mom to the hospital for a breast biopsy for possible cancer. She was ranked 4 out of 5 so there is a likely hood that cancer is there, but we are determined to get a beguine result, we will know Friday.
4. At this point (sitting in the waiting room) I decide to go get a piece of toast because my stomach is a mess. Bagels look good, so I toast one, sit down and eat half of it. Full tummy!
5. Dr. comes out, says Mom is done and that I am under Dr.'s orders to take her to "Eggs In Paradise", one of our local restaurants, known for their good coffee and generous breakfast plates. Did I mention that I was full and nauseous? Oh, Ok, I did.
6. Off to Eggs for my Mom, who is numb at this point, for breakfast. She made me eat (that's what Mother's do, even when you are way over 40 and FULL!) So I forced down the egg whites and a piece of bacon. I am miserable. As was my Mom at this point due to the "thawing" process.
7. Mom is home and resting comfortably.
8. I want a nap too!! But no, off to work. Did I tell you how full I am, ya, thought so. Ugh!
Baby Cedar is under home care and going back and forth to St. Judes twice weekly for Chemo and Check-ups. Her legs have not begun to work yet, but hope is not gone. She is such a beautiful baby! Her good spirits, two big brothers and strong, God loving parents are taking phenomenal care of her! Please continue to pray for this wonderful family.

My Niece, Linda, is still in ICU. Still unconscious and non-active. They were able to put in her Tracheotomy tube (still breathing for her, but over her breaths, so that is good news) and a stomach feeding tube. Her face does not have a scratch on it, so without the respirator in her mouth, she looks so peaceful. A lovely 37 year old who now has no hair due to it being shaved completely off for the brain surgeries.
She will celebrate her 38th birthday this coming Monday.....I pray that she will be awake to hear us sing Happy Birthday to her. Please pray with me that this will be the case.
I hope that this day gets better, but even if it keeps up like it has, I know that by tomorrow I will be able to laugh about the craziness of this day!
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