What will I do to this?
What will I tell you about my Niece?
The first two you will find out about this week.....
My Niece? Has her trach out!!!!!!!!
Is talking and the first thing she said to me?
Drum roll please.....
"Paula, I NEED a pepsi" Yes indeed, that is what she asked me for.
She stutters at times, that is a part of the brain injuries. She has very little short term memory and has asked my several times in a day "what is wrong with me"?
At times she is like a small child, doing things like brushing her stuffed dog's teeth and saying things like "I might cry if you don't".
But she is still as feisty as before and sassy to boot.
Her right side leg does not work as of yet, but the right side was by far the worst of the pelvic injuries, so we may not see that leg ever work. That is ok, as 6 1/2 weeks ago she was not expected to even live.
Baby Cedar has finished her 3rd round of Chemo. She is such a fighter, happy and keeping those around her smiling. Her tumor has shrunk and things are going in the best direction. Please keep praying for her and her family as this fight continues.

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