Wednesday, January 29, 2014

I Need To Get Off This Rollercoaster!!!!!

And life gets crazier and crazier......

My Mother is still living with us, constantly in bed, in pain, really ready to have a break from it all.


Monday my Father-In-Law suffered a very serious heart attack, you know,
the kind where the paramedics have to do CPR and "clear!" shock him back to life kind of heart attack.

He was then sent into the Chicago area to receive open heart surgery that included a triple by-pass.

While in route to the surgery, I got the call that the specialist for my Mom would only be able to do her surgery on Friday, yep. That would be the day after tomorrow.
This will include a trip to WI to get her surgery done.

Did I mention a roller coaster?

Oh, I guess I did.

Did you know that my husband is an only child? Yeppers.

Did you know that I have only one sibling who does not live near here? Yeppers.

Our oldest daughter made a trip (nearly 7 hours) from the great north to come and stay with us for 3 days to get us through this week.

Can you say "Praise The Lord Almighty!"

Our son lives 1200 miles away and just started a new job two weeks ago so he has had to endure all this from texting and messaging....poor guy.

Our youngest daughter is a school teacher for Head Start. We have been having the worst weather here and school has been cancelled the past two days....can you again say "Praise The Lord Almighty!"

She stayed with my Mom on Monday while we were with my FIL and was able to go with to the surgery yesterday as our oldest had arrived at 2am Tuesday Morning.

I received a call from my Mother In Law this morning that Lowell has had the ventilator removed, tubes pulled and they intend on getting him up to take a few steps early this afternoon.....all I can say is FREAKIN AMAZING!

I have to get blood work done on my Mom this afternoon, please pray that she will endure yet another car ride with as little pain as possible.

Ahhhhhhhh, is it vacation time yet???????????????

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Rambling Blatant Honesty

Blatant Honest Here, you are forewarned.


I believe I have figured out the problem with my blog NOT loading my pictures.

I have yet to fix it.

Yes, that is my life right time to do creative, only time to over-do all other things.

My Mother has a fractured c12 vertebrae. It has greatly impacted my life, as the Dr.'s (or my husband and I) do not want her to be alone. She is staying with us right now and I am her sole 24/7 care taker.

My Mom is in a great deal of pain. She has been subjected to multiple tests, some invasive, others through the guise of CT scans, MRIs and also x-rays, blood test etc.

I hate to see her in pain. I hate all the running to and fro from Dr. to Dr..

I hate that I also have to work each day, cook, clean, do laundry, scrub stools, strip beds, etc, etc. 

It all exhausts me.

I am exhausted from seeing her in pain EVERY DAY. I am exhausted from real life. I am exhausted emotionally.

I. am. exhausted.

I. am. whiney.

I. need 24 solid hours of sleep.

I. need. my. blog. to. work!!!

I. need. to. be. creative....... it is my outlet.

I am dependent on God. That is where He wants me.

I cry easily. Not my usual.

I know it is because we were only 3 weeks removed from my beautiful Niece being discharged from the hospital...after 4 months.

Life happens.

I was not prepared.

There you have it. Ugly as it is....and it is ugly.


Right Now.

Thank You LORD for Your great and amazing gift of life!
No matter how crazy,
No matter how unprepared.

I am thankful....whiney, but thankful.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Popping In To Update You!

Today is my Father-In-Laws Birthday!
He is a giving man, happy and loves children!
Here he is with his great-grandchildren a couple of weeks cute is this crew of 5??!!!! (And yes, the sweet little great granddaughter IS giving the peace sign....cause she's cool like that)


On a less happy note, my Mother has had a huge health set back.
She has a kidney infection (not so bad, meds will take care of it)

She also has a compression fracture of the C12 vertebrae. Ugh.
Mom has a very severe case of Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Fibromyalgia and Osteoporosis.

She is now staying with my husband and me. I bath her, help her from chair to bad and bring her her breakfast, lunch and dinner.
If you know my Mom, you know that this is against every fiber of her being.

She is the most independent legally blind person on earth!
I think (well, I know) that if I would give her the keys to my car, even without her vision, she would drive herself to town, do her shopping and go out to eat all on her own!

But at this point, she is completely dependent on me. I have cried a lot over this. Not for me, but for her.

Please pray as we continue this journey on the road to dr. visits, medicines that make her nauseous and hopefully a full recovery from all this, that she sees nothing but love from everyone who helps her through these painful steps.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Issues and a Link

I am having issues with my blog, again.

It will not allow me at this time to upload my pictures and that is just about as frustrating as not being able to get a jar lid off of the jar that is the only thing you want in this world.

You get my drift.

So for now bear with me and know that I am working on it!

For today, I am including this link that I found to be very good advice!

10 small ways to improve your kitchen.

Of course, my blog will accept a picture from another blog, go figure!


here is the link from: The Kitchn.....

Thanks for the great advise Cambria Bold
Cambria is the design + lifestyle editor for The Kitchn

Thursday, January 2, 2014


Yesterday was my sweet Daughter In Law's birthday!

I had already scheduled my post so I apologize that this is a day late!

She was the "New Years" baby when she was born. (according to little "O" it was 500 years ago!)

Now she is a part of our family. Have not asked her if there are any times that she has questioned it! Hehehe! We are a crazy bunch for sure!

She is a great Mommy and Wife and Daughter In Law.

We are ever so grateful for the addition to our clan.

Happy Birthday Jen!

P.S. When little "O" was asked if she would give her Mommy kisses instead of spankings for each year of Mom's age, she responded, "I can't give you 500 kisses!"

It's all funny till it happens to YOU! ;>)

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Update On My Niece And Other Random Thoughts

My niece, Linda, is doing really well. She still has pain, still has a lot of physical therapy to do and still has a lot of Dr. appointments in her future. She still uses a walker for stability, but gets around with so much better stamina than has ever been since her accident.

Can I just tell you what a miracle, actually MANY miracles, that have, are and will happen during all that this precious young lady has endured!??

Let me just start with this past Saturday.

During a visit with Linda, my hubby, Mom and I were not the only ones there.

My brother, Linda's Dad and step Mom, Tammy, were there also.

So what you say....

Linda and her father had not talked in about 15 years.

He was there during surgery on one of Linda's legs, but she had no idea due to the coma she was in.

Saturday, we all laughed, hugged, smooched and ate together.

I love you's were exchanged and I really wanted to cry in joy.

Linda also has the same situation with her Mom, Debbie. Which was also a non-existent relationship for as many years. Also with her Grandmother, Wanda.

I am so overwhelmed with God's amazing Grace, Love, Mercy. His miracles and mercies are AMAZING!

Not only has Linda come back to us when the Dr.s held little hope for it, but relationships have been healed, love has returned and lives have been completely changed.

Yes, life was a bit shall we say, overwhelming in the year 2013.

Yes, life is sooooooooooooooooo good.

Yes, life has changed in so many different ways.

Yes, I am excited for what is to come in the year 2014!

Now for the random thoughts.

I want to do more with this blog.

I want to do more with my camera.

I want to flush out the excess in our house.

I want to be a bit more productive in the year 2014.

I also want to be a bit more rested in the year 2014.


Let the New Year begin!