Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Update On My Niece And Other Random Thoughts

My niece, Linda, is doing really well. She still has pain, still has a lot of physical therapy to do and still has a lot of Dr. appointments in her future. She still uses a walker for stability, but gets around with so much better stamina than has ever been since her accident.

Can I just tell you what a miracle, actually MANY miracles, that have, are and will happen during all that this precious young lady has endured!??

Let me just start with this past Saturday.

During a visit with Linda, my hubby, Mom and I were not the only ones there.

My brother, Linda's Dad and step Mom, Tammy, were there also.

So what you say....

Linda and her father had not talked in about 15 years.

He was there during surgery on one of Linda's legs, but she had no idea due to the coma she was in.

Saturday, we all laughed, hugged, smooched and ate together.

I love you's were exchanged and I really wanted to cry in joy.

Linda also has the same situation with her Mom, Debbie. Which was also a non-existent relationship for as many years. Also with her Grandmother, Wanda.

I am so overwhelmed with God's amazing Grace, Love, Mercy. His miracles and mercies are AMAZING!

Not only has Linda come back to us when the Dr.s held little hope for it, but relationships have been healed, love has returned and lives have been completely changed.

Yes, life was a bit shall we say, overwhelming in the year 2013.

Yes, life is sooooooooooooooooo good.

Yes, life has changed in so many different ways.

Yes, I am excited for what is to come in the year 2014!

Now for the random thoughts.

I want to do more with this blog.

I want to do more with my camera.

I want to flush out the excess in our house.

I want to be a bit more productive in the year 2014.

I also want to be a bit more rested in the year 2014.


Let the New Year begin!

1 comment:

  1. yea i patched up a few relationship to hurt feelings last for ever if you don't fix them ==i fixed mine happy new year for 2014
