1. excellent; great; marvelous:
I am camping on the "amazing, astonishing, great, marvelous" in this definition.
It's is Wonderful Wednesday!
A few things that I find wonderful.....I am sure that you are sitting on the edges of your seats!
That is awesome!
Thank you for your vote of confidence....that I could possibly keep your attention that way with what I am thinking!
wuhn-der-fih l!!!!!
Family: I think, for the most part, that we all feel that we have the most wonderful families.
I am not at all in the minority. I have a great family!
From my husband and children....to in-laws parents, parents.....our children, in-law children and all the blessings that come with that!
I am beyond amazement with the family that God has given me.
Friends: I have the BEST! Girl friends, couples, church friends, you name it....I have amazing friends.
Job: the best! Cannot even say enough about my job and co-workers. You all SHOULD be jealous!!!!
Home: Although small in comparison to many, our modest 1450 sq. ft. home is just what we need. It's nearly fully finished basement allows us an additional 1000 sq. ft. of bedrooms and family space that we use often and keeps us sane when we have a house full of 20 or so people.
My Life: full, complicated at times, crazy for sure but full of love.
It is a wonderful Wednesday!
Wonderful indeed.
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