Wednesday, April 2, 2014

3 Days In Bed....

Yes, the dreaded stomach virus got me and I spent 3 days in bed trying to sleep the ick off.

I feel much better now!

But due to being sick (someone in my work office was a true carrier monkey) I did not accomplish much around the house the past 5 days, but did get my laundry done this morning! Woot!

So I am just popping in to give you a couple of links to some really cute and very inexpensive Easter ideas!

First, "Cheeky" or should I say "Chicky" deviled eggs.

Elie at Organizer By Day made the cutest deviled eggs!
She actually used black peppercorns for the eyes, but I would switch that up and use capers instead since I believe that the pickled taste would match well with the deviled eggs AND my husband would actually eat the capers and would not eat the whole peppercorns!

And Melissa and Stephanie at Two It Yourself made a super cute wreath that will cost you time only!
AND the best thing....
After Easter you can simply dispose of it and not have to store it!! Major Score!!

They actually used a cutter to make the egg shape, I however, being a major cheap skate would draw around my egg shaped cookie cutter and then cut out the shape.

Have an amazing Wednesday all!

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