My Mom bought a chair....a rather ahem, ugly chair.
The lines of the chair are great! The price was even better, $3.00 at an estate sale.
But the upholstery.....feast your eyes on this.

And might I just say, it feels as nasty as it looks.
The chair was unstained and honestly very well taken care of. Probably never sat in because it was so ugly and itchy.
Just sayin.
I grabbed my seam ripper and tore apart the seat cushion. I needed to do this for pattern making purposes.
I also like the cording around the edges but did not want to rip it all apart to retrieve the filler cord. I decided to buy new.
Said cord at a fabric store...5 bucks for 10 yards
Clothes line cord at wal-mart, 98 cents for 10 yards.
I cut 100 inch lengths of 2 inch wide coordinating fabric.
Two lengths of it.
Sit at that sewing machine and sew the most un-glamorous job ever.
Dory was going through my head...."just keep sewing, just keep sewing".
Whew! Glad that is over!
Now for the fun stuff.....cut two pieces of fabric for the "seat" of the cushion using the old material as the pattern.
Now lay the cording on the edge of one of the pieces you just cut and sew onto the right side of your fabric.
When you come upon a corner, snip the fabric that is the seam side of the cording....being very careful NOT to cut your
Now repeat on the second seat fabric piece that you have.
Next I cut another strip of fabric 100 inches long but this time it is 6 inches wide.
This becomes your cushion depth, per the original cushion to allow for the old stuffing to be re-used.
You guessed it, sew right sides together, one at a time.
HOWEVER....I left the entire back of the cushion un-sewn to allow me to place the "stuffing" aka internal cushion inside of my new cushion cover.
Turn right sides out and stuff.
I did hand sew the seam in the back of the cushion but this was done while watching an extremely educational show on t.v. (eat streets.....I HAVE to know these things for our next trip to Texas!!)
I love that I did not use the same material for the cording as I used for the actual cushion! I think it gives it a great look and is just quirky enough but not a "what were you thinking" kind of thought!
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