Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What's Growing????????

Two fold, "What's Growing" 1) Me 2) Herbs & Flowers

Confused? Me too. God is stretching and growing me, yet again. More on that in a bit.

My flowers and herbs are shooting up like crazy!!!

You can see Thyme, Rosemary, and mixed in with the flowers are Cilantro and Mint......Love it!!

I have started to work on the "treasures" that were found in Door County, and should have info on that by the weeks end.

Now, to God growing me....I think that I had this "Norman Rockwell" thought pattern about how life should and would be. As our children have grown, moved out of the house and started serving the Lord faithfully in their desired places of living, I thought that life would be, well, a sigh of joy in having faithfully shown our children a fairly stable picture of faithfulness and servant hood and peace in serving the Lord, and their following that brings the most wonderful joy to our hearts and of course to the Lord's. I believed, I think, that there would no longer be struggles in our lives, other than the choice of where to go for vacation! Wrong!! God has chosen to allow us to sit in limbo over something very important, not knowing how He will prevail or even when, but I know this one thing, He will!

Strange how things so mundane can be so necessary. How God can take something that we take so for granted, as in, it always BEING there, give us the possibility that it may not be there and have us pray for it to be there, even tho we have NO control over it at all!!!

Growing my husband and I will do together......growing, depending, loving and knowing better, the provision of a loving, giving, knowledge providing, listening Lord of all lords.

Have a blessed Wednesday!!!

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