Friday, September 9, 2011

Funny How Content One Day Can So Quickly Change....

Today, I am angry. Righteous anger. Anger at sin. Anger at people who hurt children. Anger at people who proclaim to be believers and live like the devil. Anger at what that does to others around them.
What ever happened to loving others, treating them the way we would want to be treated...even if in our eyes they have not earned it? Loving and living like Christ.
The way others are or are not should not be an excuse for bad choices. We are not accountable for others, only ourselves and the choices we make, things we say and how it effects others, and it always will effect others.
God is so very good, He has shown me that He is all I need, all that is necessary for life, no matter how others act or are. And yet I still get angry?? Why?
Because in my humanness, I want life to be perfect here on earth. Every one loving and living like Christ. High fiving each other for a simple victory, cheering each other on. Treating our children like they are the most precious blessing ever given to us.....loving each other. Sigh.
Life is not perfect here. Far from it. Because we are human, because we sin, all of us sin, and we will hurt others, we will say things we regret....BUT, if we love like Christ, those things will be so much further and farther between, that maybe, just maybe, our children will grow in love, and we can change this world into a bit better of a place to be.

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