Monday, January 13, 2014

Popping In To Update You!

Today is my Father-In-Laws Birthday!
He is a giving man, happy and loves children!
Here he is with his great-grandchildren a couple of weeks cute is this crew of 5??!!!! (And yes, the sweet little great granddaughter IS giving the peace sign....cause she's cool like that)


On a less happy note, my Mother has had a huge health set back.
She has a kidney infection (not so bad, meds will take care of it)

She also has a compression fracture of the C12 vertebrae. Ugh.
Mom has a very severe case of Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Fibromyalgia and Osteoporosis.

She is now staying with my husband and me. I bath her, help her from chair to bad and bring her her breakfast, lunch and dinner.
If you know my Mom, you know that this is against every fiber of her being.

She is the most independent legally blind person on earth!
I think (well, I know) that if I would give her the keys to my car, even without her vision, she would drive herself to town, do her shopping and go out to eat all on her own!

But at this point, she is completely dependent on me. I have cried a lot over this. Not for me, but for her.

Please pray as we continue this journey on the road to dr. visits, medicines that make her nauseous and hopefully a full recovery from all this, that she sees nothing but love from everyone who helps her through these painful steps.

1 comment:

  1. ty for the bd wish --the great grandchildren fueled me back up --as for moma this to shall pass she has had a lot to over come like you said but she a strong minded person --hold your cool i know your in for a ride lol ♥
