Monday, April 7, 2014

How Many Of You??

How many of you suffer at times from "but I will never be able to do that" syndrome?

I do.

Now, I am fully aware that there ARE those things that you or I will never be able to do.

Like, I will never be a pro football player in the NFL.

Some people cannot sing in key and will not be able to just because they turn 40.

My husband will never be able to be a professional ballet dancer. (nor does he want too, by the way)

You get what I mean.

But there are those days, when we see others doing things that we would LOVE to do but convince ourselves that there is no possible way that we will ever be able to do that because we are "not that pretty" or "not living in the right area" or "not tall enough" or "not thin enough" get my point.

Why do we do that to ourselves????????????

I am not 25 years old any longer but does that mean that I cannot have a new creative career? No.

I am not leaving my current position, but I could if I wanted. You could if you wanted.

I was reading another's blog today and found myself having thoughts of "I will never be as successful as her because.....blah, blah, blah"

Shame on me!

I am not one to do things without prayer, so of course I know that I want to be in the will of my Savior and not running ahead of Him.
But ya know, if the desire of my heart is to do something in addition to what I already do, I can.

You can!

I know that none of this is news to you or me, but on those days when you find yourself (making a note self here too) feeling a bit down. Like you don't measure up or are feeling un-productive in life, slap your hand!!!

Choose JOY!

Know that you are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!

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