Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Some Things....

Today I am sharing some things that you may not really know about me.

I was born with birth defects. My legs were not "normal" and I did not walk until I was nearly 3 years old. I had my first major surgery to correct things when I was nearly 18 years old and have had two since then. (Many corrective things were tried previous to this point but were not affective) 
I don't believe that there is any part of this that has made me do anything differently than I would have if I had not had the birth defect.
I believe that I am exactly where I should be.
Do I wish that I had not had the leg issues? Of course! But I still with ever part of my being believe that things would not be different if I had not had leg issues.

I got married at age 18! I was engaged at 17 and knew from age 16 that this man that I had snagged would be my life long love.
I feel like God has saved me from many heart aches by giving me a true settled assurance that we were to be together at a very young age.
Do I think that all girls should marry that young? No way! But I knew for me it was right.

I am allergic to honey bee stings! Yep. That means no bare foot frolics through the meadow with my love....and I hate shoes. How really truly awful is it to not be able to be without shoes and hating them. yea, that's my life.

I hate to exercise. There, I said it. Me in all my glory. HATE to exercise. Say it ain't so Joe!
Ohhhhhhh yes it is. Walking with someone I find interesting, that I can have a conversation with...all for it! Walking up and down the streets of a small town exploring the shops...all for it! Scheduled, have to do it, run for my health exercise....nope. Hate it. Does that make me a bad person? I don't think so.

I love to work with children! The hugs, the high fives, the crazy way that they look up to you.....love it!! Pouring out my love on little ones makes me feel so full that some days I could just shout!! Corny I know, but it really is the truth.

I always think that I am going to love having an afternoon alone and as it turns out, I don't. Afternoons are the time that I feel the most alone.
I love a nice evening alone to catch up on old tv shows or catching up on blogging, but for some reason evenings seem completely different than afternoons. Silly I know, but it is how I feel. And I even think it sounds crazy as I sit here reading this!

I think girly hippy long tailed headbands should come back in style. Just throwing that out there!

OK, I am done now.

Have an amazing day!!!

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