Thursday, February 6, 2014

Something Useful That Is On My Mind

In light of the past 6 months that our family has been through, I have had time to see what could be done better in our home.

One thing that came to mind is this: our eldest daughter had to have emergency surgery two years ago (so? It is relevant, I promise!) and the surgery kept her down with no ability to lift or pull or tug for 6 weeks after she was released.

The ironic thing is, that just two weeks prior to the hospital stay, she had sat down and put together an index card file of all that she does to the house on certain days.....thinking it would be for offering things to do to bored children.

Well, I can tell you that it was a prophecy from above because it kept her household running so smoothly without missing a beat. When her husband and children would say "what should we do to help" she pointed them to the index card file and off they went, since she had also added instructions on the cards as to "how" to accomplish the task! ( I am certain she gets all this wisdom from me!)

So I have a link for you with free printable lists that would work so well in a notebook that you can keep just in case you ever have to spend weeks taking care of a loved one or going to open heart surgeries or what ever your situation may be.

Happy Organizing!!

My thanks to House-hold Management!

1 comment:

  1. yep if one can read it one has a pretty good chance they can do it
