Thursday, February 19, 2015

Just Some Thoughts and A Door Knob

How is that for a title! 

First, some thoughts:

As I was looking through some of the blog spots that I have saved in my computer, I noticed that about 90% of the homes that these bloggers have are, hmmmmmmm, how shall I say this.....


My home and what I do is not majestic.

On the contrary, it is very modest. And I am so very OK with that!

So I hope that all who read this blog love the normal

okay, okay.....quirkey

not over the top things that I do.

I kind of feel like decorating, table-scaping, etc. would just be easy with a huge home and a family income that is three times my husband's and mine.

I am not whining or wishing for something different here, so please do not take it that way.

On the contrary, I love my life and my home and feel as though what I can share that you all tell me you love is something that EVERYONE could do.

No matter their house size or income.

I hope that all made sense.

Now, on to the door knob!!

My Mother and I took a stroll (a marathon hiking time would be more accurate!) through our local antique mall the other day.

4 stories, a mom that had not been out of the house in ages...
you get the picture!

She fell in love with a green night stand that I had to go back and get as she could not pull the trigger that day & made the decision to purchase it the day after we went shopping.

And she bought for me this beauty!

It was a great price....$6.

Yes! I know! Score!

I want to make it work for our laundry room door, which my sweet hubby says is doable, and now I am very anxious to get that started!

But in the mean time, here are a few photo's that I took of this lovely door knob!

It was the best at this photo session....I did not have to tell it one time to be still or move this way or that!!

Yay me!!

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