Friday, December 30, 2011

My Special Efforts...Every Day!

Making it Special!
While my children were growing up, we made it an everyday event to eat dinner together as a family, and to set our table with “fancy” table settings. We always set the everyday table with cloth napkins, stem ware and real plates. Each night we sat together as a family and prayed together for a blessing on the meal, then ate with what others would see as “extreme or special”, but to us, was normal.

We did this, to make sure that
1. Our children were never uncomfortable with “fancy” table settings, and
2. also, to keep paper out of the landfills.
You see, I needed to do the laundry each day anyway, so throwing in a few extra napkins was not a bother, as it saved the land, and saved the wallet!
I made most of the napkins from bargain bin material, and we had the plates and glasses anyway, so why not use it every day…after all, my husband and children were just as special as guests!! I love setting a stunning table, so each night it was a joy for me! And, if I am confessing here [and I am] we have and had a dishwasher, so really, doing dishes only meant cleaning the pans that I cooked in, not washing the actual dishes we eat from and even if you eat from paper plates, you are still using pots and pans to cook in!!!! As far as a dishwasher goes…. I bet you have one too!!!!.
So why not make it a point in this new year to treat your family as special as guests...everyday, just a little bit of effort will show your husband and children how much you love them. They are so very worth it!!!

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