Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Normal Saturday At My House.

Life on a Saturday around here today consists of my sweet Hubby heading south (2 1/2 hours) to help a friend with a church in the area. They are replacing a main entry door, enlarging it, so that a cancer patient can have his funeral in the church that he loves. I know that this sound very sad, but what a loving thing for my husband and his friend to do.
I on the other hand, am home, doing all the things that need to be done since we completed our new floor. Man! I thought that once the floor was in, that it was done! But Noooooooo, who knew that there were mop boards to be put in (done by my hubby) and nail holes to be filled, painting to be done, caulking to be done...and it seems to go on and on! Well, I am happy to say, that I have filled 3/4 of the holes, painted said mop boards and re-arranged the living room furniture (I mean why pull the furniture away from the walls and NOT re-arrange???? Beyond me!). I also did two loads of laundry and swept the new hardwoods at least 12 times!
As I am now, there is a lovely fire in the fireplace, football is on TV and my tummy if full.
Life is good, I am tired, and I feel a great sense of accomplishment! Ahhhhhh.
Have an amazing weekend all!!!!

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