Friday, April 13, 2012

Over Acheaver WILL Return!

I have known for a couple of months that my normal "over achiever"
spunk and energy were being replaced with strange soreness and fatigue.

So, with a son that was diagnosed at age 8 with J. Rheumatoid Arthritis
and a Mother who has had severe Rheumatoid for about 25 years now,
I made the dreaded call to the Dr. for an appt. to have the testing done.


They are still running further test for things like VitaminB12 deficiency,
anemia, thyroid malfunction and also rheumatoid factors in the blood
I will find out later today about those....
But a positive result was found for Fibromyalgia. I started on the meds
last night, and will have to work my way up to the dosage that is normal
for this problem. The Dr. and I are hoping for 1/2 the "normal" dosage for me,
I am not a big girl, so I am sure that 1/2 will do fine.

At the moment, I am dealing with a caffeine headache, as my normal routine
for the last months has been to get up every morning and take an excedrin
and 2 aleve to get my day started! Well, you can guess, that as I had to
go for blood test in a fasting state, and not able to take the over the counter
while getting used to the new meds, has left me with ONE FREAKINLY ANNOYING CAFFEINE HEADACHE!


Oh well, this too shall pass!

And that is my news of the day.
I am a grown up now. I have to take a daily medication for the first time in my life!!! I don't think I like this idea....but if it returns me to my former "glory" hehehehehehe, then I will adapt to the daily regime!

Have an amazing weekend to all, and I plan on accomplishing something
this weekend so hopefully there will be photo's for Monday!!!

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