Monday, June 4, 2012

A Few Things

A few things that you may not know about me,
and I am willing to admit them!
  1. I am almost always cold, in fact I keep a heater going most of the time under my desk at work.
  2. I am the baby of my family.
  3. I only eat vegetables raw. Raw asparagus, raw broccoli, raw turnips, you know, everything raw, other than corn and the occasional french fry.
  4. I HATE to have anyone mess with my feet. I had a few birth defects in my legs, and did not walk until I was over 2 1/2 (My Mother is greatful I was a very small child, no growth spurt until after 3rd grade!). To many times at the Shriner's Clinic, makes me not want my feet ever messed with.
  5. I rarely eat meat, not because I am opposed, but because I just don't like it all that much.
  6. I am allergic to raw tomatoes.
  7. I am not a pintrest junky. As a matter of fact, I have been there 3 times total. True story.
  8. I have double jointed thumbs.
  9. I wear a size 4 ring. Why do jewelers find that so strange?
  10. I have a real thing for, I could buy new dishes every 6 months kind of thing. Is that weird? Didn't think so.


  1. fun! my sister went to the shriner's also. they are great!

  2. Most people would never guess that I have unless they actually see my legs. or if I walk really fast, you can see the limp a bit. God has beed very very good to me, and I am so blessed!!
