Tuesday, June 19, 2012

From Trash To Treasure!!

This picnic table was set out for the garbage man
by our next door neighbor.
 My husband quickly brought it home, he is like his
father that way!
I thought it needed an awful lot of work,
and was not sure that I wanted to take it on.
He convinced me.
We intend on giving it to our daughter and her husband
who may take it to to a friend who has no
outdoor tables or chairs at all.
That will be their choice, and to tell you the truth,
we love that they think of others over themselves!
After 1 over sized can of white spray paint
for use on metal, the legs were white again.
After 4 cans of mocha "fusion" paint, made for
plastic (which is what the top and seats are)
the re-do was complete!
Amazing what spray paint can do!!!
from the garbage....

to a proud back yard!
From trash to amazing in one afternoon!!


  1. looks fabulous!!!
    I saw a post on pinterest the other day where they used a painted wooden picnic table for a dining table indoors...:) i so want to do it!
