Monday, June 25, 2012

Random Thoughts

I love looking at pictures of Cottages.
I almost talk myself into re-doing a room or two
in our home to look like the pictures I swoon over,
and then I see it....SO MUCH STUFF!beach cottage white ektorp chair
This Beautiful Picture Is From A Beach Cottage

I mean, like pretty things, but pretty things EVERYWHERE
and then I realize why I do not decorate that way....
I would have to dust and clean all that stuff!
And I realize, being a person who really does NOT
like clutter, that I am quite happy with the non-clutter
 in my house. With the exception of the basement, which is currently
under de-clutter construction. (if that is a proper way to say it
and if it's not, I don't think I mind, cause it makes sense to me!!)

Speaking of the basement, I have turned the corner!
I would say that it is 80% done as far as cleaning and de-cluttering
goes. There are things that I have no control over, like the things
that were left behind from our children, and my husband's
recording studio things, but that in which I do have control over
I have been purging, giving away, throwing away, organizing,
and really loving the feeling of getting things out of the house
that should have been gotten rid of long ago!

My bruises are healing very nicely from my run in with
the stump and other "weapons of mass destruction" on
our river bank....I am feeling pretty normal at this point
other than the lump that is there, which I suspect is
on the hip bone itself and will take a while to repair.

I am doing a bit of experimentation with some herbs and vitamins
to help with my fibromyalgia and am hoping to see some
positive results from them. I will keep you posted if I do!

I need to get back to "real" life, nuff said.


  1. Paula, have you ever tried T-Tapping for your fibromyalgia? It was designed with that in mind. Let me know if you are interested, I can let you borrow some info.

    1. I have not tried it. I will let you know if I want to borrow does intreage me!I have no idea how to spell intreage, ugh!
